film noir inc
We make low-budget films and edit things!
Restoring an old 5x4 M.P.P. View Camera

The Studio
Time Frame of the Production
Because of the low-budget nature of the movie, and the fact that this is a Art film I will be taking my time in making this movie, I see this as a year long project for me, not you, but me, Most of the scenes needed for the film will be shot is a few days of the actors work in the film, I see some actors will be needed for a longer time frame than others, I hope to find dedicated actors that want to work in this movie with me, There is pay, Because my studio is up in the mountains of Frazier Park (and not down in Hollywood) I will provide money for gas to get up here.
Good Food for All! ~ I love good food
I have a full nice big kitchen up here in my movie studio with lots of things to eat, there are also places up here to order food to be delivered, plus, right across the street from me is a health food place that you can get things at, at any rate, food will NEVER be a problem, it will always be on hand. And I love good food, just as I'm sure you do.
Parking ~ There is massive space for parking at my Studio
No need to worry about parking (like down in Hollywood) I have a massive parking lot all around my entire studio and it's all yours to park in.
Some Misc Pix of the Studio, Outside

Film Noir in the Snow

Inside Studio Pix coming soon
Yes, this is the inside of the studio
We have Green-screen, Backdrops, lights, cameras and more!
We will be shooting in 35mm, 16mm and digital and editing on DaVinci Resolve
B&W Film Noir Still Photography - 5x4 - Medium Format
We use BenQ monitors for accurate & correct color renditions
Davinci Resolve is used for all editing & color correction